Your Burnout Personality is the People Pleaser
“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” – Maya Angelou
You’ve got amazing strength and endurance. You’re great at fixing everyone’s problems and keeping everything running …. But often at a very high cost to yourself.
You’re a bit like Serena Williams! She seems to have superhuman strength like you 😉 but she actually understands the importance of boundaries and self-care. She knows that if she doesn’t look after herself, then she’ll burn out, and her phenomenal endurance will run out.
You’ve also got mental strength but sometimes you use it to push you beyond your physical limits.
You find it really hard to say No and set boundaries – even thinking about it makes you feel guilty! You genuinely want to help, (and sometimes just feel like you should), and you don’t like letting people down.
You have a tendency to override your own needs through sheer willpower, and can start to burn out before you realise what’s happening.
There’s so much to do and you need to get it all done – I hear you! But a lot of the chores on your to-do list don’t belong to you – they’re other people responsibilities, not yours.
The cost to your own health and peace of mind can be huge. You’re exhausted yet you find it hard to switch off and relax, and sleep often eludes you because your brain is planning the next day or week.
Often it feels like it’s a constant treadmill – everyone expects you to keep doing all the things you’ve always done or taken responsibility for, because you’re so helpful and reliable. The trouble is, if you always put others first and yourself last, then you’re putting yourself at risk of Burnout!
So here’s a question to consider – how much of the pressure you constantly live with, comes from outside (your boss, family, financial obligations) and how much of it are you doing to yourself?
What would your life be like if you could change that pressure and that pace? What other lovely things would you have time for, what would your life be like then?
You Might Be Feeling
Looking Forward
If your to-do list gets longer every day and you never get to the end of it or have time for yourself, then it’s time to consider learning to say No and set firm, fair boundaries.
When you look after yourself, everyone benefits.
As the scientist, Marie Curie, said ‘You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals.’ And one of those individuals is you!
Personalised Wellbeing Coaching could help you feel mentally and physically more flexible.
Was your Burnout Type what you expected?
Now you know a bit more about your particular style, and the cost to your own wellbeing, book a free 20-minute Curiosity Call to explore whether a customised Wellbeing Roadmap is right for you!