Bounce Back from Burnout!
Are you exhausted and overwhelmed because you’re always last on your To Do list?
Say goodbye to overwhelm, guilt and struggle . . . Vibrant Wellbeing is a Burnout Prevention and Self Care program that puts you in the driver’s seat. You’ll beat burnout and create easy, effective ways to include Self-Care in your life so you can flourish.
Self-Care is NOT Selfish!
‘In order for me to be at my best for others around me, I needed to find some time for myself’.Michelle Obama
You’ve been told you can have it all and do it all – but it’s not as easy as it sounds … Because you’ve also been told that it’s selfish to put yourself first or say No, or that you’re failing if you need to ask for help.
But I bet you’re everybody else’s go to person when they need help with something. Bottom line – you’re great at taking care of everyone else, but not so good when at looking after yourself, right?
Lack of self-care leads to resentment, struggle and eventually burnout, and often what goes with that is shame. It’s a miserable spiral – so are you ready to stop self-sabotage and find an easier way to live?
I’ve been there too … I know what it’s like to be overwhelmed and exhausted trying to keep all those balls in the air, AND try and find time for myself. I get it, I know how hard it can feel to change. But in the end, I paid a high price. Because, despite knowing what I ‘should’ do’, I didn’t consistently look after my needs and I burnt out.
Neuroscience shows that you can strengthen the area of the brain related to self-esteem by taking better care of your physical body. That’s why self-care is essential for helping you create a life that enriches you and also those around you.
You don’t have to do it on your own – think of me as the “Marie Kondo” for women with burnout. I show you how to declutter your overloaded life and prioritise your self care without the guilt.
With 35 years of experience in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Mindfulness-based Wellbeing Coaching, and understanding Mind-Body medicine, I bring a unique depth and breadth of experience to show you how to move from trapped to terrific!
Why Choose Vibrant Wellbeing
If you:
are always last on your to-do list
feel guilty if you put your needs first
find it hard hard to say No to people
are overwhelmed keeping all the balls in the air
And you’re ready:
to be as kind to yourself as you are to others
to live life with lightness and ease
to stop self-sabotaging
Then you’ve come to the right place!
Vibrant Wellbeing Opportunities
If you’re ready to beat burnout so you can have a vibrant life then choose the best option for you.
Together, we’ll co-design your personalised Flourish Roadmap so you can let go of self-sabotaging beliefs and old patterns that keep you stuck and stressed.
Wellbeing coaching
One-on-one coaching and support program
Together, we’ll co-design a personalised Flourish Roadmap for you, using a range of Conscious mind strategies, Subconscious beliefs, Actions/Behavioural strategies.
Flourish Fast track
Flourish Fast track
Single Day Intensive Experience
A full day intensive experience focused on creating a personalised Flourish Roadmap for managing stress and preventing burnout with practical strategies and tools.