Bounce Back from Burnout!

And say Hello to effortless self-care so you can live with balance and ease

Are you exhausted and overwhelmed because you’re always last on your To Do list?

Say goodbye to overwhelm, guilt and struggle . . . Vibrant Wellbeing is a Burnout Prevention and Self Care program that puts you in the driver’s seat. You’ll beat burnout and create easy, effective ways to include Self-Care in your life so you can flourish.

Self-Care is NOT Selfish!

In order for me to be at my best for others around me, I needed to find some time for myself’.
Michelle Obama

You’ve been told you can have it all and do it all – but it’s not as easy as it sounds … Because you’ve also been told that it’s selfish to put yourself first or say No, or that you’re failing if you need to ask for help.

But I bet you’re everybody else’s go to person when they need help with something. Bottom line – you’re great at taking care of everyone else, but not so good when at looking after yourself, right?

Lack of self-care leads to resentment, struggle and eventually burnout, and often what goes with that is shame. It’s a miserable spiral – so are you ready to stop self-sabotage and find an easier way to live?

I’ve been there too … I know what it’s like to be overwhelmed and exhausted trying to keep all those balls in the air, AND try and find time for myself. I get it, I know how hard it can feel to change. But in the end, I paid a high price. Because, despite knowing what I ‘should’ do’, I didn’t consistently look after my needs and I burnt out.

Neuroscience shows that you can strengthen the area of the brain related to self-esteem by taking better care of your physical body. That’s why self-care is essential for helping you create a life that enriches you and also those around you.

You don’t have to do it on your own – think of me as the “Marie Kondo” for women with burnout. I show you how to declutter your overloaded life and prioritise your self care without the guilt.

With 35 years of experience in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Mindfulness-based Wellbeing Coaching, and understanding Mind-Body medicine, I bring a unique depth and breadth of experience to show you how to move from trapped to terrific!

Why Choose Vibrant  Wellbeing

If you:


are always last on your to-do list


feel guilty if you put your needs first


find it hard hard to say No to people


are overwhelmed keeping all the balls in the air

And you’re ready: 


to be as kind to yourself as you are to others


to live life with lightness and ease


to stop self-sabotaging

Then you’ve come to the right place!

Vibrant Wellbeing Opportunities

If you’re ready to beat burnout so you can have a vibrant life then choose the best option for you.

Together, we’ll co-design your personalised Flourish Roadmap so you can let go of self-sabotaging beliefs and old patterns that keep you stuck and stressed.

You’ll learn easy and effective ways to practice loving self-care and beat burnout. It’s good for you and for those around you, because you’ll be sharing your best self (instead of the burnt out, grumpy version!)

Wellbeing coaching


One-on-one coaching and support program

Together, we’ll co-design a personalised Flourish Roadmap for you, using a range of Conscious mind strategies, Subconscious beliefs, Actions/Behavioural strategies.

Flourish Fast track

Flourish Fast track

Single Day Intensive Experience

A full day intensive experience focused on creating a personalised Flourish Roadmap for managing stress and preventing burnout with practical strategies and tools.

"I’m enjoying life more than I ever have. I was trained in a negative childhood that life could go wrong but now I know it’s possible to be happy and for life to go well."

Kim De Palma

"Since I’ve been working with Liz, there are things I’ve had anxiety over in the past that I don’t have now. I feel like I’m stepping into me."

Maddie S. 
Social Worker

"Thank you so much for your help and support ... and your incredible technique. I've really appreciated your wisdom, guidance and encouragement, and feel so grateful to have gotten to the end of 2021 much stronger!"

Lisa S.