You’re ready to experience vibrant wellbeing – and you’re ready Now!

That’s why Flourish Fast Track is for you.

If you’re:


Tired, stressed and burnt out


Fed up with never having time for yourself


Ready to dive right in

… then keep reading for some instant gratification 😉

The Flourish Fast Track

You’re on the brink of Burnout so you need to make positive changes FAST!

That’s why I created the Flourish Fast Track.

It’s a power-packed day to get you out of overwhelm and back in control of your wellbeing with fast and effective self-care and burnout-busting strategies.


  • explore mental, emotional and physical ways to beat burnout so you can be energised, resilient and vibrant
  • identify and remove old patterns and limiting beliefs that make make you stressed and overwhelmed
  • be confident and stress-free when you operate as the ‘new you’
  • feel comfortable and confident handling other people’s reactions
  • create a personalised Flourish Roadmap and easy to maintain Self-Care strategy

How We Work Together


The Flourish Fast Track is a concentrated day of powerful change. It’s where you can honestly express what you want in life, what’s missing and what’s been getting in the way, without feeling selfish or judged. You’ll get rid of the ‘shoulds’ and resolve the conflicts that are keeping you stuck, so that you’re able find a strong, wise and compassionate way to prioritise your own needs.

The strategies and changes are designed with you so that they fit comfortably into your life – and don’t just add to your to-do list!

Working together, we’ll create your tailored Flourish roadmap so you can be as kind to yourself as you are to others.

What’s in Store for You

A practical and experiential day (6-8 hours, depending how long you need)

Customised Transformation Roadmap


Regular brief breaks to recharge you, and a 45 minute lunch break

Pre-session work, including Stress Assessment tool

Post-session Stress Assessment 1 month later so you can measure your progress

A 90 minute follow up session, 1 month later

Access to me for support via email and Voxer for 1 month

Explore mindfulness-based cognitive strategies that support new patterns by understanding what to keep and what to let go of

Reprogram limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging patterns

Explore which Healthy Habits would support your wellbeing and beat Burnout

Understand how to release stress and apply Active Relaxation and the Self Love Switch

The Self-Care Fast Track is an intensive one-day experience.

What People Say

Thank you so so much. Already feeling with some positive results – much calmer during the day and with better sleep. I look forward with much hope and gratitude with what else this meditation will bring.

- Donna Van W

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