Your Burnout Personality is the Perfectionist

“You have to take care of yourself, your body, your mind, take care of your soul – be your own keeper.” – Jennifer Lopez, True Love


Congratulations! You’ve usually got good awareness of what you need mentally, emotionally and physically to avoid Burnout.

Usually you recognise the signs that you’re feeling tired or your game is slipping, and your awareness lets you know what you need in time.

It’s like topping up your phone when the battery is low – you know that your phone will run out of juice in the middle of something important if you don’t recharge it! In the same way, you know that you do things better and are a nicer person if you recharge when you need to.


And then there are the other times …. 😉

You’re a perfectionist and don’t like doing anything except your best. That puts pressure on you and eats into your time for yourself and what you need.

The times when you get on a roll and don’t realise you’ve overdone it until you’re not functioning properly after all! When that happens, you become too tired (physically or mental) to apply your good judgement in a timely manner. You can get so caught up that it’s hard to even notice you need to top yourself up.

When you keep pushing on too long and start to run out of battery, so to speak, then you’re you’re not thinking straight anymore. So you often don’t realise you need to give yourself some Self-Care until things start getting wobbly – it’s like not realising your car is low on petrol/gas until the fuel gauge starts flashing!

You Might Be Feeling


Under Par



Looking Forward

Try to stay tuned in more and notice what you need in plenty of time and don’t wait too long to act on it. You could set the timer on your phone for regular breaks. A regular self-care routine is the best way to keep topped up

If you get caught up doing jobs that aren’t really yours because you want them done perfectly then it’s worth asking yourself whether it’s worth the cost to your stress levels and wellbeing.

If you’re curious about what self-sabotaging patterns and beliefs are contributing to your perfectionism, then personalised Wellbeing Coaching is a great way to make some positive changes without turning into a slacker!

Was your Burnout Type what you expected?

Now you know a bit more about your particular style, and the cost to your own wellbeing, book a free 20-minute Curiosity Call to explore whether a customised Wellbeing Roadmap is right for you!