Liz O'Brien

Our Newsletter
Baby steps win the race!

Baby steps win the race!

So far, so good ! My Winter Solstice 'resolution' to get back on track with writing weekly emails is working ... I know it's only been a couple of months, but by setting the bar at a reasonable level and giving myself a pat on the back for sitting down to do this, I'm feeling a (small) sense of...

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To do or not to do …

To do or not to do …

... that is the question (apologies to Hamlet!) I'm finding it hard to be productive right now. Cold, grey, rainy days in mid-July are yuk! Plus it's Monday as I'm writing this, and the song 'Rainy Days and Mondays' keeps going round in my head 🎶  I've justified a little browsing for the Youtube...

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Love shack, baby! 🎶

Love shack, baby! 🎶

Remember the happy little song and video 'Love Shack' by the B52s, back in 1989? The love shack is a little old place whereWe can get togetherLove shack, babyLove shack, that's where it's at Huggin' and a-kissin', dancin' and a-lovin'Wearin' next to nothing 'cause it's hot as an ovenYeah the whole...

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