The Vibrant Wellbeing Blog

living life fully

'We don't know how long we have, but here we are. This world is a beautiful, mysterious, magical place to live' I recently read 'Nothing Bad Ever Happens Here' by Heather Rose. It's a beautiful account of her life, and I found it inspiring and moving. I also found it left me wishing that I had...

is it weak to ask for help?

is it weak to ask for help?

Let's be clear here - asking for help is definitely not a sign of weakness or failure! It can be very hard to ask for help, or let others see that we're struggling and not on top of it all. Sometimes we feel like we have to be upbeat and positive all the time, and answer with a chirpy 'Fine!' when...

How to beat Imposter Syndrome

How to beat Imposter Syndrome

You’d be surprised how many of my clients feel like they’re a fraud, and are constantly stressed that they're going to be exposed. (Or maybe you’re not surprised at all, because you feel like an imposter too …) Not just at work, either – people feel like imposters in their personal lives as...

Stress, Performance & Focus

Stress, Performance & Focus

Right now, are you: a) Paying full attention b) Half reading this, half doing something else c)  Sorry, what did you say? How often do you find that youʼre doing one thing but thinking about something completely different? Your body is here, having a conversation or doing the task at hand, but...

How to Avoid Burnout

How to Avoid Burnout

As 2023 starts to pick up pace (unless you're lucky enough to still be relaxing somewhere!), it's a good time to think about ways to make it a satisfying and productive year, rather than an overwhelming blur of exhaustion, stress and burnout. Prevention is always better than a cure, so let's have...

New Year, New You

New Year, New You

How Psych-K can help your New Year's Resolutions to last As soon as Christmas is over and we're into January, there's a sort of pressure to make the most of the coming year. Many of us decide that's it's time for a fresh start, and we leap into the first couple of months of the year full of good...